Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My Side....

My friend made me this scrapbook a long time ago and she photocopied letters I wrote to her during college. I was looking through it and I found a segment of a letter that goes along with the two D.L. letters previously posted.

So, I finally talked to D. It wasn't a pretty sight. He begged me not to break up with him. I told him that was ridiculous because we have NOTHING in common. And I told him just about everything I didn't like about him. Everything except the fact that he was a little too feminine!

That was it. I guess I was mean or fickle?! The truth is, one of the big reasons I dumped this guy is because we dated for 4 months and he never took me to meet his mother! She just lived a town fact, HE LIVED WITH HER! He obviously didn't like me that much! He had met my parents twice and they lived an hour away.

1 comment:

toys r us kid(s) said...

You weren't mean or fickle but you didn't put up with crap. (NOT ALL< BUT MOST OF THE TIME) It was obvious that you were headed straight to loserville-a place where you don't belong!!