Monday, October 24, 2005

August 30, 2001

Hey. I figured I would write a letter to you. It's about 5:30 right now. I haven't used my laptop or studied for any of my class stuff, it's al been in my book bag the whole time. At 3:30 the doorbell rang, so I went downstairs to see who it was. It was a guy by the name of A.W. He was looking for a place to stay for the night. Someone had told him about church on Cuyahoga Falls Ave. He wanted assistance in trying to find the church. I decided to invite him into the shelter while I tried to find the church in the Community Resource notebook. I couldn't find any church that had a shelter on Cuyahoga Falls Ave. So I referred him to Haven of Rest. It turns out (according to A.) that he missed the Haven of Rest time by 3 minutes. Then I decided to call the info line and let him talk to the info line and hopefully they could find a place for him to stay. Well, to no avail they couldn't find a place for him. After he hung the phone up, I asked him if he was hungry or anything. He said he was hungry, so I let him get some food out of the fridge and warm it up and eat. He was talking his head off while eating the food. He went inot a story about how his car was high jacked and he had to go to the hospital for 6-9 stitches. He continued talking about how his girlfriend is a little psycho. He is originally from Baltimore and has only lived in Akron for about 5 weeks. He is planning to get back to Baltimore because that is where his girlfriend is living right now. He went on and on. I can't remember what all he talked about. It was very interesting. I'm going to end my letter here. Sorry I wanted to write some more things down about us. Maybe I can do that next time.


August 13, 2001

Well, I was thinking during the overnight shift about you. Well, not about you but more about our relationship and what it is looking like etc, etc. I guess and I am assuming it's safe to say we are dating considering how much we've done together and all the phone calls, even though they have lasted 2 or 3 minutes on some of them. I think I have totally lost where I was going with this letter in the midst of my mumble jumble of words. I think it would be best for me to end this letter right here. Because right now I'm not very coherent since I only got about 3-4 hours of sleep yesterday. Maybe I'll try this letter again tonight during the overnight. Hopefully it will go better. Alrighty, I hope you have a splendid day. Don't try to do to much work. I'll talk to you later.


Friday, October 07, 2005

August 14, 2001

Well, this overnight shift went pretty well for me. I stayed awake without a problem. I spent a lot of the time looking stuff (majors) up on Akron U.'s web-site. I think I might have what I want to study narrowed down to two majors now. I've decided on Middle education (teaching 4-9 grades) or Sociology & Corrections. I don't know a whole lot about Sociology & Corrections so I'm going to need to do some research on that area.
I still can't believe that you went to Borders without me last night. Oh well. I guess there will be another time to go. I must apologize for my handwriting today, for some reason it looks much worse than usual. I probably won't get a chance to talkt to you, unless I come in a little earlier. I don't forsee that happening at all. I think I will try to get as much sleep as possible to before having to come back in at 4.
Did I tell you J. told me what I will most likely be working once school starts? I don't think I did, so I'll go ahead and tell you. It looks like I'll be working Tuesday's 4-12, Thurdays 8:30-4:30, every other Friday 4-12, and Saturday overnights. I'm pretty happy with that schedule.
I think I'll be working Thurday-Monday doing overnights this week. I haven't heard for sure. But I am hoping that I am because I can use the extra money big time. Aw man I just have 1 hour left till I go home. Are you wanting to go to church with me on Sunday? I'm not sure wher I want to go. I've been thinking about checking out "Community of Believers" or well, I'm not sure where else. I think my parents are going to "Community of believers" on Sunday.
You only have 17 more days until you get to move. I think when you move I am going to get some DVDs and crash at your place. If you still have the bunny maybe I'll try to play with it and see if it'll bite me.
Did you tell Dawn we went to the mall and then to the movies on Friday? I'm tring to think of something fun but yet inexpensive we can do this week-end. How about the zoo? I haven't been there yet. You have a pass and I can get a pass, so it would be pretty inexpensive. We can go to an Aeros game if they're playing.
I think I'm going to get a haircut tommorow. Should I get it all chopped off or chould I just get a trim? I'm kind of getting used to it being long. It hasn't been this long since about 2 1/2 years ago. I think I might just get a trim.
Well, I am starting to ramble again I hope you have a great day and I will probably talk to you tommorow.


August 20, 2001

Well, I had a great time on Sunday. I think you clicked with my family. It was pretty cool to see that. I told you there was nothing to be nervous about. I'm thinking we should go on a walk or bike ride this evening. We can go on a walk about anywhere. We can go on a bike ride on the tow path. I'm not sure what the weather is suppose to be like. Hopefully it will be nice out.

You can pick the next church that we go to. I'm sorry if "Community of Believers" shocked you a little bit. I enjoyed it for the most part. The preaching was a little dry, but it was okay. I've been praying about the whole thing with you and D. for the past week. I've also been praying for our relationship.

Since we talked on the phone for about 1 1/2 hours. I don't think it leaves me a whole lot to write about. And I was off to such a good start too.

I suppose we can go to your new apartment if it's possible and then head to the library to see what DVDs they have. Maybe I could check out a book also I need to start reading a book pretty soon. It has been a while since the last one I read. Well, I will give you a call at some point today to see if anything is up.


Early August 2001

Well it's 4am and I'm bored. So I figured I would pass time by, by writing you a little letter. I am not much of a letter writer by any stretch of the imagination. Letters basically force you to put your thoughts or feelings on paper. Besides that I don't really care to share my thoughts verbally either.
I am heading down to Columbus on Friday to see my brother. Actually I'm going with my parents. My brother, E. has a trial because his wife is asking for a divorce and has also filed domestic violence charges against him. It is all a bunch of bush a.k.a. "bull sh**". Anyways I'm heading down there friday for the trial and to see my brother and hopefully my niece and nephew (A. & M.). It should be interesting, to say the least.
Any luck with finding an apartment yet? Oh, by the way I got your phone messages you left for me. I must have been really in a deep sleep because the phone usually wakes me up if I'm sleeping. I talked to M. tonight and I think we are going to switch shifts on Saturday. He's going to take my 4-12 and I'm going to do the over-night for him. It's not really worth doing just one over-night, it messes with my body too much. So that will give me 3 over-nights in a row. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes m body to adjust back to regular hours once I'm finished doing over-nights this month. Hopefully it doesn't take long because I have a 7:45 class every morning but Thursdays.
Are you interested in joining me for another church service this Sunday? I want to go to "Community of Believers". It is on State Rd. between Portage Trail and Broad Ave. The service starts at 10. Which means you'd have to be at my place close to 9:40-9:45. If you want to join me let me know.
Did you know that I have to come back in at 4 this afternoon and work till 12. That's kind of crazy. Hopefully I'll be abel to fall asleep right away when I get home from the overnight shift. Maybe if you're lucky you'll get to see me before you head home today. Or should I say if I'm lucky I'll get to see you?
Do you want to go to the Aero's game this Friday? They're giving away free floppy hats. What is a floppy hat? And what in the world is an Aero? Does anybody really know? You can't tell me I didn't give you enough warning this time. But I am sure you will come up with one of your lame excses again.
Did you watch any of the Brickyard 500? I did. I watched the last 5 laps of it. Jeff Gordon won it for the third time. Ok, I'm runing out of things to write and I'm just blabbing about nothing now. I'll take a little break and come back to this letter.

Ok. Never mind about church this Sunday. I forgot you had your class reunion picnic. I think I might just sleep most the day Sunday.
There is also an Aero's game on Thursday if you can't make the Friday game. Well it is 6am right now which means I need to take care of some things. Have a great day.


March 3, 2001

Just a note to thank you for the loving care you give C. He can be a challenge but he's also adorable. Thank you for the nuturing you give him. He's growing emotionally because of your involvement with him. He knows he can count on you and we need people who care for us.

G. aka J.S.