Friday, October 07, 2005

August 14, 2001

Well, this overnight shift went pretty well for me. I stayed awake without a problem. I spent a lot of the time looking stuff (majors) up on Akron U.'s web-site. I think I might have what I want to study narrowed down to two majors now. I've decided on Middle education (teaching 4-9 grades) or Sociology & Corrections. I don't know a whole lot about Sociology & Corrections so I'm going to need to do some research on that area.
I still can't believe that you went to Borders without me last night. Oh well. I guess there will be another time to go. I must apologize for my handwriting today, for some reason it looks much worse than usual. I probably won't get a chance to talkt to you, unless I come in a little earlier. I don't forsee that happening at all. I think I will try to get as much sleep as possible to before having to come back in at 4.
Did I tell you J. told me what I will most likely be working once school starts? I don't think I did, so I'll go ahead and tell you. It looks like I'll be working Tuesday's 4-12, Thurdays 8:30-4:30, every other Friday 4-12, and Saturday overnights. I'm pretty happy with that schedule.
I think I'll be working Thurday-Monday doing overnights this week. I haven't heard for sure. But I am hoping that I am because I can use the extra money big time. Aw man I just have 1 hour left till I go home. Are you wanting to go to church with me on Sunday? I'm not sure wher I want to go. I've been thinking about checking out "Community of Believers" or well, I'm not sure where else. I think my parents are going to "Community of believers" on Sunday.
You only have 17 more days until you get to move. I think when you move I am going to get some DVDs and crash at your place. If you still have the bunny maybe I'll try to play with it and see if it'll bite me.
Did you tell Dawn we went to the mall and then to the movies on Friday? I'm tring to think of something fun but yet inexpensive we can do this week-end. How about the zoo? I haven't been there yet. You have a pass and I can get a pass, so it would be pretty inexpensive. We can go to an Aeros game if they're playing.
I think I'm going to get a haircut tommorow. Should I get it all chopped off or chould I just get a trim? I'm kind of getting used to it being long. It hasn't been this long since about 2 1/2 years ago. I think I might just get a trim.
Well, I am starting to ramble again I hope you have a great day and I will probably talk to you tommorow.



toys r us kid(s) said...

After the first letter I had an idea. After the 2nd I was pretty sure it was J.M....right??? AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

Ok I enjoy reading Js letters.. Does he know your doing this?