Friday, October 07, 2005

August 20, 2001

Well, I had a great time on Sunday. I think you clicked with my family. It was pretty cool to see that. I told you there was nothing to be nervous about. I'm thinking we should go on a walk or bike ride this evening. We can go on a walk about anywhere. We can go on a bike ride on the tow path. I'm not sure what the weather is suppose to be like. Hopefully it will be nice out.

You can pick the next church that we go to. I'm sorry if "Community of Believers" shocked you a little bit. I enjoyed it for the most part. The preaching was a little dry, but it was okay. I've been praying about the whole thing with you and D. for the past week. I've also been praying for our relationship.

Since we talked on the phone for about 1 1/2 hours. I don't think it leaves me a whole lot to write about. And I was off to such a good start too.

I suppose we can go to your new apartment if it's possible and then head to the library to see what DVDs they have. Maybe I could check out a book also I need to start reading a book pretty soon. It has been a while since the last one I read. Well, I will give you a call at some point today to see if anything is up.


1 comment:

Jake said...

Chow? What type of person writes chow at the end of a letter?