Monday, October 24, 2005

August 13, 2001

Well, I was thinking during the overnight shift about you. Well, not about you but more about our relationship and what it is looking like etc, etc. I guess and I am assuming it's safe to say we are dating considering how much we've done together and all the phone calls, even though they have lasted 2 or 3 minutes on some of them. I think I have totally lost where I was going with this letter in the midst of my mumble jumble of words. I think it would be best for me to end this letter right here. Because right now I'm not very coherent since I only got about 3-4 hours of sleep yesterday. Maybe I'll try this letter again tonight during the overnight. Hopefully it will go better. Alrighty, I hope you have a splendid day. Don't try to do to much work. I'll talk to you later.


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