Monday, September 26, 2005

Sometime in Jan. '96

I wasn't planning to do this but here is a follow-up letter I came across today from the same boy I used to know.

It's 4:00 A.M. and I am very tired, but I can't sleep -suprise-. It's understandable, though.
After we got off the phone I called B. and told him about our breakup. He was sad, but he did a very good job just talking and getting me to laugh. B.T. is truely a wonderful man. I am exceptionally lucky to have him as a friend.
I want to thank you for letting me down so gently. Youwere very straight forward and honest. Now thta I think about it, those were the two things I liked about you very much. Perhaps sticking to your guns and being true to your feelings wasn't easy, as I kept asking you if you were sure, and telling you I didn't want to break up. This will keep it simple for hte both of us, though.
I am returning the tape you made, even though it was a gift. You see, while you were gone I would listen to it nearly every night and wonder if you were trying to tell me something with these songs. I guess I put too much into it, and now it carries too much emotion and meaning to have it lying about. Thank you though, it was a wonderful tape.
As far as us being friends, everything I told you still stands. I wish you understood more fully, but... I want you to know your every happy moment, your every sad moment will cause me pain, but I still will try to meet you half way, not because its immature not to, but because pain, along with fear must be faced. Through the pain I feel from past relationships is my most intense, perhaps that is al the more reason to face it.
I have to go now, I am sorry if the last paragraph upset you, but you must know.
Goodbye, D.L.

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