Monday, September 26, 2005

November 12, 2000

This is a REAL letter. It is a good one. I wish you could see the drawings...but my scanner is already packed.


Hey there again! I'm terribly bored. I decided to write you. I really really enjoy writing letters. There is something so exciting about a blank piece of paper waiting to be filled with what ever I want to fill it with. Fun Fun Fun. You are probably that way about the telephone (and that is OK). Anyways I haven't heard form you in a while. I determined you were over due and decided to send this pre-emptive letter. Basically I chartedout the past incidences of our communications among probable outcomes into a matriz giving a zero-sum patter as this:

p1(0)=-2 p2(0)=6
p1(0)=4 p2(0)=5

Then plot to find maximini outcome assuming I want to maximize.

Then he mapped the coordinates using an x & y chart.

And then I integrate to find the area between the two curves as such (o,1)

Finally I substituted this # into the summations which approximates the area of the orginal time graph (see last letter I sent you) as a 3-D representation. This of course is as such:

He wrote another equation using a bunch of math symbols I don't have readily ava. on my computer.

Today isn't the actual day, I adjusted 0.3567 hours for the shift in orbit of the earth as a result of the high rate in solar winds which cause time discrepencies, but almost negligable without a quantum computer and the avility to interate up to 800 decimal places given that one is considering a closed system as define by Newton and not the turbulent flow system as defined by strarkoutsy in his hyper-turbulent fluid dynamics theorem. You are probably considering a different set of variables. Anyways please write me or call me.



Jake said...

This guy is freak'n nuts. How did you ever come across such a person like this? Hmm, let me see, maybe I should chart out the next probable time we will.... uh nevermind.

delilah said...

You can't say stuff like that on here! There was never a dull moment with that guy. Definately had problems.

toys r us kid(s) said...

I thought I didn't know him THAT WELL, but now that I read that letter I feel that I probabably did. Or at least my perceptions of him were "right on course" NICE

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

I agree with Jake on this one. I wish I could apply it with my wife....

Anonymous said...

I'm really not crazy about having my letter posted here. Its a shock to go on line and find the glib way delilah has portrayed me. I'm very unsuccessful at dating, and its in very bad taste for her to parade my misfortunes about for the entertainment of random bloggers. Delilah has a PhD in dating men. I barely got past the sixth grade.


P.S. Jake, I may be nuts, but I boned your wife on multiple occasions. How do you like them apples?