Monday, September 26, 2005

Blog Survey

I am taking a survey. Please take the time to respond. It will only take about 30 seconds.

Do you think I should keep these letters after I post them or is it okay to just toss them?


Jake said...

Trash them, because they are worthless now.

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

trash them... always do what your husband says.

Anonymous said...

Do NOT destroy them....under no circumstances!!! One day your children and grandchildren will enjoy reading them...and once they are gone, you can't get them back. Wish I had kept my old letters, I only have a couple from the late 60's.
(If your husband insist that you trash them, then give them to your mom for safe keeping)..Be creative!!!

toys r us kid(s) said...

You have to KEEP THEM!! My ex-husband made me not only get rid of old letters, but burned all my old pictures!! That is YOUR past and your decision. (sorry Jake) Plus I am having fun guessing who they are and looking at the initials to see if I am right.

Anonymous said...

I definately think you should keep them--they are very personal and are a great "scrapbook" of your past!! You can store them at my house if you need to hide them!!

Jake said...

I didn't tell her to trash them to get rid of her past. Trust me I tried it and it doesn't work. I told her to trash them becase they take up to much space. And I'm to lazy to move any extra stuff to the new house.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the letters of part of your past and they are like a "scrapbook", however...get rid of them. There is no need to keep them around. If it were a letter from a parent, grandparent, sibling, best friend, etc., that's one thing. If we all kept everything from our past...there would be no room for things in our present and our future. That's my opinion...take it for what it's worth. :)

Anonymous said...

i see both sides and agree. i say keep them things like that are the best link to the past. on the other hand if you keep them you have to move them yourself im like jake i dont like to move stuff either. Jason