Sunday, September 25, 2005

November 1997

This letter was written on toilet paper and sent from a tent-living, tree hugging Artist in Colorado.

Howdy is a strange word. How is Ohio going this November. I hope the weather is not too depressing this time of year. I would always get sad in Oct, Nov due to the overcast skys and homogenus color of the ground. Sorry I haven't written in a while but I will write more. I've been busy getting ready for my season of riding on snow. I got my 5 mth pass so my recreation time is taken care of for 5 months. I'm at work right now and some strange dude walked into my office and asked me to read for him. He had this bottle of medicine and could not figure out his dosage. Why ME? Of course I declined to help him for I fear a lawsuit. So how is college life? Fun Fun Fun. I'm glad to hear you are going on a trip in December. That would be delightful if you came to Colorado to visit. How is everybody doing that I haven't heard from in a while; the Newly Weds, Big J. Stud, DJ S. and the state of Ohio. Work has been work. It seems I am always fixing another mans f*** up. That is what they call life. I want to comment to comment of the photos, and all that. I thought the xerox was a great way to send pictures. I'm sort of art starved lately. I miss all the tools fo creation I used to play with. I went to Vegas last week-end to see Primus and had a grand old time in the city of gluttuny. You simply must go if you ever have the chance. It's only 10 hours from here. I'd love to take the guys down there. That town has J.W. written all over it. I got wiped out on Black Jack the first night but won the second and bought my concert ticket with the winnings. Have I got the sloppy hand writing or what. Me, B. & F. took my car down to the city where the devil dwells. I swear he must live there, that's the reason it is so f****** hot. The food there is the best for two reasons 1. Prime Rib Buffet $2.99 2. There are at least 1000 deals like #1. I love to eat. I could eat all day. I tried to do three buffets in one day and was rendered useless. You see I have been eating and working out every night so I cannot eat enought. F. has got a tag to shoot an elk soon. That will be a cool 500 lbs. of meat to chew on so I won't have to b**** much longer. More and more tourists and skiers are coming to Summit County these days. They roll in their expensive recreation 4-wheel drive cares and are all decked out in there outdoor gear and can't even deal with a flat tire. How can you make $150,000 a year and not know how to light your gas furnace? No common sense. The uppper middle class of this country are controlled by men who are afraid of their pampered wives. The blind leading the blind. Ramble on young solider. I saw Starship Troopers and can honestly say it wan't bad for $4.00, for a sci-fi. Closing Thought. You Don't Have to Wash to Be Clean.

P.S. Don't wipe your a** with my art work.

R.M. '97

1 comment:

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