Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sometime in the early 90's

I could not think WHO this was from, even though it is signed. I didn't remember anyone by the name. I talked it over with Melanie & she reminded me it is from a guy a never dated or even liked. I once yelled at him for following me around, for a couple of hours at work, and he passed out!

Please don't throw this away without reading it. It will probably b the last time you hear from me. What went wrong between us? The last few times I've seen you , you have meade it clear that you don't like me anymore. Whatever I did to make you feel this way, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you in any way. I was only trying to show you how much you mean to me. I love you Delilah. You are the first woman who had really meant something to me. I have felt this way a long time. I knew if I ever told you how I felt, we would fall apart. Unfortunately, I was right. I can't stand the thought of youno longer being a part of my life. It seems that is now unavoidable. If this is really it for us, I beg you to blease tell me why. I need to know what I did to turn you against me like this. If there's anything I can do to fix our relationship, please let me know. If not, then I guess this is goodbye. I want you to know that if you should ever need anything, I will still be here for you. I am going to miss you. Goodbye Delilah. Ihope you will be able to forgive me someday. I cherishedour friendship while it lasted. I only wish it would have lasted a lot longer. Again I want to say I'm sorry. Goodbye.


toys r us kid(s) said...


toys r us kid(s) said...

Ok so I can't spell!

Anonymous said...

Man--you were really a heart breaker in your time!! Thank goodness jake made you an honest woman and took you out of the game!! You left quite a wake behind you!!
Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm learning a lot about niece!!!! And loving it..

Jake said...

She is a real heart breaker. The first time I ever met her she tried to get me fired from my job that I just started that day. Then she turned me down 3 times (something about me being to young for her) Oh well, I guess I eventually won her over.

delilah said...

Hey, I had been in the game long enough to know guys want a challenge. You didn't want me that bad until you had to chase me. I had it planned out all along. And, it worked, didn't it. ha. Love you.